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Treatment Testimonials
Re: Quantum Touch – Workshop, Energy Work, Distance
“Several years ago I attended the basic Quantum Touch workshop. Dennis asked the first evening if anyone needed any work. I had two worrisome, enlarged and sore fingers on my right hand. I use my hands on my organic farm constantly. There was immediate improvement and then more so as time passed and I have not had any problems since then. Later in the workshop Dennis asked again and I had a small piece of land improved on my farm. I am basically a practical person (although always appreciating and exploring new and creative ideas). Now Quantum Touch often seems utterly intangible to me but at the same time an extremely functional and practical tool for maintaining health.
A few weeks ago I had the classic sudden unable-to-move screaming back pain. I do have several "tools for health" but nothing worked and the next two and a half weeks despite acupuncture treatments I had very little sleep (2-3 hours a night) due to pain. I phoned Dennis about distant Quantum Touch and to date have had four one half hour sessions. After the first session I slept seven-eight hours and since then I generally sleep at night. During the first session I had many yawns and a few big sighs. They were the "thank goodness at last" type which I didn't understand at the time but the next day when I was able to stand up straight I did understand. Dennis said I can't promise pain improvement but it did subside quickly as the days passed. Among other benefits I notice the fact that I can still stand up straight easily. This is remarkable as I was becoming hunched over in my shoulders due to my work/aging?/hyper mobility and missing ligaments. Hyper mobility is an invisible and complex condition and I will be calling on Dennis again as I continue to maintain alignment and gently strengthen my core and postural muscles and acquire more tools for health. A huge thank-you Dennis.”
B.T . British Columbia – October 24, 2013
Re: Assemblage Point
“How remarkable that it only took two sessions with Dennis that I feel so aligned and complete. Through his technique I learned and have experienced a more permanent and significant shift in my psyche when all points are aligned. Just after a few treatments it feels like every fibre of my core is reconnected. It was evident by the changes I saw in my eyes. What was once intense there is a peacefulness-a clarity and more gentleness.
Thank you Dennis , I can peer in to my eyes and witness a celebration of my soul, as my physical/mental/emotional and spiritual side renew their vows.”
B.G. High River, AB - October 2013
Assemblage Point Session - My first experience was feeling more at peace & balanced. During my 20 mins of allowing the process to transform I attempted meditation & saw beautiful purple healing light circling each cell with purpose. Then soft glowing white light for the balance of my rest period. My mind was quieter & my body lighter once the session was complete & the pain in my shoulder was almost dissipated. A very beautiful calm session. Blessings.
My Rating - 5 out of 5 Stars
Donna T.
Re: Quantum Touch, Assemblage Point, Intention Setting
“I came upon Dennis during a time of depression and despair. His extraordinary life partner, Sharon, suggested I see him for a "dowsing" session. I renamed this a "blessing" session, as I felt truly blessed to be there. He helped me identify some underlying issues and together Dennis, myself, and the Higher Power that he is so very tapped into, were able to clear and cut away numerous unhealthy attachments. He was also able to pick up on a parasite, which I had gotten during a recent trip to Central America. I began a parasite cleanse and with that and my new clear soul Dennis helped me to uncover, my depression lifted. In the same session, Dennis gave me an Assemblage Point adjustment followed by a pillow, blanket and 20 minute "nap" that nourished my soul more than any nap I can remember!
My most significant moment of healing with Dennis took place not in the clinic as a patient but as a friend standing in the grass watching strong men toss telephone poles in the air (Canmore Highland Games in September of this year). I had "twisted" a vertebrae in my upper back and was in much pain and was not able to get comfortable. I tried everything I could think of. Dennis stood beside me, with a light touch on the painful spot and with what I can only assume was the healing power of the Universe coming through his hands into me...I was freed of the pain.
It was beautiful. His healing energy and intention met with my openness, I see now that is how healing miracles happen. Thanks to Dennis and Sharon; my life is been changed forever. They have taught me the great power of Intention Setting, the healing power of the Universe and that Angels walk into our lives when we most need them. I am strong, empowered and depression-free... I've waited my whole life for this!
With Gratitude, Ali”
Canmore, AB - October 2013
Thank you Dennis. I did look at my eyes before and after there was a definite change they were light grey blue and cloudy and afterward clear and dark green blue. I felt like my heart chakra was being worked on at first. I had some strange pictures go thru my mind that I cannot recall now. I fell asleep and woke feeling calm. I have had discomfort before and pain in the areas you worked on .Are all the points in my body aligned now or r there more that need work?
Dear Dennis
Thank you again for your work for me. I find myself in much better shape regarding my humour, energy level, enlightening visions for my life, I feel more hopefull and responsible and see myself taking much healthier choices now, and all that in a natural, joyful way! A gorgeous change!
Hello Dennis
I wanted to let you know how your readjusting my AP worked with me.
Your description of where parts of the AP had gone to (liver, anger etc) reflect how I was feeling the past months!!
As soon as I knew that you had done it, and that was a night earlier than I thought, I felt more joyous, positive and hopeful inside.
Since then I was given big insights into decisions I took that lead me down the lonely street in earlier years in my life! Very impressive indeed.
I would like you to readjust the point now, thank you.
Will you let me know when you shall give yourself to it?
Kind regards and thanks
I feel the tingling in my right arm gone, also the fogginess and sadness is going away. What on earth was in that sword?
Thank you
Hi Dennis, my mind is clear for first time in months,
I am awed by the whole thing, thank you so much for your gift!
I will be working with audience sitting, should I get the adjustments and clearing time to time?
Past months have not been fun experiences but the funny thing is my capacity to feel the love and compassions has expanded!
Even as feeling what I was feeling (very uncomfortable) I had make choices right there then in that moment to experience something different,
That I had to accepting everything as it is with compassion at same time,
Otherwise my self awareness let me know very quickly when I was off the track, now I am feeling lot better,
Thanks again for making my journey easier.
Hi Dennis, the time you sent this reflects what happened to me yesterday afternoon.
My daughter and I caught the ferry home at 4:35 pm (as we live in an extremely rural area) and I actually went in the house at 5pm and collapsed in my coat even on the bed and slept solidly for 4 hours.
So Yes, I know I had a strong reaction.
I feel wonderful again today and very clear and calm. How often does this pendulum check have to be done?
Thank you Dennis for sharing your wonderful spirit, balanced masculine self and your teachings. It's been a rare and wonderful experience.
~ K.
Dear Dennis...
I had to write again after examining the document attached! Holy Cats! This is wonderful and amazing work! You have so many wonderful things in your bag of tricks.. J. began opening his eyes to his name yesterday which is a big thing. His white blood cell count is decreasing and his kidneys are making a small improvement. There was some bile production as well... I know, in my heart of hearts, that his improvement will be enhanced greatly with this work. I did A.’s AP on Sunday and she cannot get over how much better she feels... she continues to be amazed with it. For her it is a 'transformation'. What good work!
Again, my absolute gratitude to you for doing this great work!
Hi Dennis...
Our whole family says thank you! I called J’s son, our D.... and they are most happy! You do very good work! I'll keep you posted! Have a great time in Seattle...
Blessing and Thanks
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for the treatment today. Got a bit of a headache and sore neck. Not sure if it's related but besides that my mind feels a lot clearer which is nice. Just wanted to say go ahead with the dowsing as soon as you can and just let me know where to send the check.
Thanks Again,
Hi Dennis,
I am interested in a treatment. Our family has had 3 close relatives die this yr, 2 just recently. I have experienced several infections in this yr alone: colds, bronchitis, tooth abscess, now sinus infection. My energy is low and I have some memory and anxiety issues. just asking for your help gives me the "chest tightness"!!
My daughter had her treatment last night. she feels much clearer and more energetic. thank you.
Hi Dennis:
Thanks so much for working on D., she is feeling much better. Her anxiety attacks are not as severe.
I will sent you off a cheque in the mail
PS - Would you have time to do a dowsing or quantum on my boss today. He is in pain with his back?
“Several years ago I attended the basic Quantum Touch workshop. Dennis asked the first evening if anyone needed any work. I had two worrisome, enlarged and sore fingers on my right hand. I use my hands on my organic farm constantly. There was immediate improvement and then more so as time passed and I have not had any problems since then. Later in the workshop Dennis asked again and I had a small piece of land improved on my farm. I am basically a practical person (although always appreciating and exploring new and creative ideas). Now Quantum Touch often seems utterly intangible to me but at the same time an extremely functional and practical tool for maintaining health.
A few weeks ago I had the classic sudden unable-to-move screaming back pain. I do have several "tools for health" but nothing worked and the next two and a half weeks despite acupuncture treatments I had very little sleep (2-3 hours a night) due to pain. I phoned Dennis about distant Quantum Touch and to date have had four one half hour sessions. After the first session I slept seven-eight hours and since then I generally sleep at night. During the first session I had many yawns and a few big sighs. They were the "thank goodness at last" type which I didn't understand at the time but the next day when I was able to stand up straight I did understand. Dennis said I can't promise pain improvement but it did subside quickly as the days passed. Among other benefits I notice the fact that I can still stand up straight easily. This is remarkable as I was becoming hunched over in my shoulders due to my work/aging?/hyper mobility and missing ligaments. Hyper mobility is an invisible and complex condition and I will be calling on Dennis again as I continue to maintain alignment and gently strengthen my core and postural muscles and acquire more tools for health. A huge thank-you Dennis.”
B.T . British Columbia – October 24, 2013
Re: Assemblage Point
“How remarkable that it only took two sessions with Dennis that I feel so aligned and complete. Through his technique I learned and have experienced a more permanent and significant shift in my psyche when all points are aligned. Just after a few treatments it feels like every fibre of my core is reconnected. It was evident by the changes I saw in my eyes. What was once intense there is a peacefulness-a clarity and more gentleness.
Thank you Dennis , I can peer in to my eyes and witness a celebration of my soul, as my physical/mental/emotional and spiritual side renew their vows.”
B.G. High River, AB - October 2013
Assemblage Point Session - My first experience was feeling more at peace & balanced. During my 20 mins of allowing the process to transform I attempted meditation & saw beautiful purple healing light circling each cell with purpose. Then soft glowing white light for the balance of my rest period. My mind was quieter & my body lighter once the session was complete & the pain in my shoulder was almost dissipated. A very beautiful calm session. Blessings.
My Rating - 5 out of 5 Stars
Donna T.
Re: Quantum Touch, Assemblage Point, Intention Setting
“I came upon Dennis during a time of depression and despair. His extraordinary life partner, Sharon, suggested I see him for a "dowsing" session. I renamed this a "blessing" session, as I felt truly blessed to be there. He helped me identify some underlying issues and together Dennis, myself, and the Higher Power that he is so very tapped into, were able to clear and cut away numerous unhealthy attachments. He was also able to pick up on a parasite, which I had gotten during a recent trip to Central America. I began a parasite cleanse and with that and my new clear soul Dennis helped me to uncover, my depression lifted. In the same session, Dennis gave me an Assemblage Point adjustment followed by a pillow, blanket and 20 minute "nap" that nourished my soul more than any nap I can remember!
My most significant moment of healing with Dennis took place not in the clinic as a patient but as a friend standing in the grass watching strong men toss telephone poles in the air (Canmore Highland Games in September of this year). I had "twisted" a vertebrae in my upper back and was in much pain and was not able to get comfortable. I tried everything I could think of. Dennis stood beside me, with a light touch on the painful spot and with what I can only assume was the healing power of the Universe coming through his hands into me...I was freed of the pain.
It was beautiful. His healing energy and intention met with my openness, I see now that is how healing miracles happen. Thanks to Dennis and Sharon; my life is been changed forever. They have taught me the great power of Intention Setting, the healing power of the Universe and that Angels walk into our lives when we most need them. I am strong, empowered and depression-free... I've waited my whole life for this!
With Gratitude, Ali”
Canmore, AB - October 2013
Thank you Dennis. I did look at my eyes before and after there was a definite change they were light grey blue and cloudy and afterward clear and dark green blue. I felt like my heart chakra was being worked on at first. I had some strange pictures go thru my mind that I cannot recall now. I fell asleep and woke feeling calm. I have had discomfort before and pain in the areas you worked on .Are all the points in my body aligned now or r there more that need work?
Dear Dennis
Thank you again for your work for me. I find myself in much better shape regarding my humour, energy level, enlightening visions for my life, I feel more hopefull and responsible and see myself taking much healthier choices now, and all that in a natural, joyful way! A gorgeous change!
Hello Dennis
I wanted to let you know how your readjusting my AP worked with me.
Your description of where parts of the AP had gone to (liver, anger etc) reflect how I was feeling the past months!!
As soon as I knew that you had done it, and that was a night earlier than I thought, I felt more joyous, positive and hopeful inside.
Since then I was given big insights into decisions I took that lead me down the lonely street in earlier years in my life! Very impressive indeed.
I would like you to readjust the point now, thank you.
Will you let me know when you shall give yourself to it?
Kind regards and thanks
I feel the tingling in my right arm gone, also the fogginess and sadness is going away. What on earth was in that sword?
Thank you
Hi Dennis, my mind is clear for first time in months,
I am awed by the whole thing, thank you so much for your gift!
I will be working with audience sitting, should I get the adjustments and clearing time to time?
Past months have not been fun experiences but the funny thing is my capacity to feel the love and compassions has expanded!
Even as feeling what I was feeling (very uncomfortable) I had make choices right there then in that moment to experience something different,
That I had to accepting everything as it is with compassion at same time,
Otherwise my self awareness let me know very quickly when I was off the track, now I am feeling lot better,
Thanks again for making my journey easier.
Hi Dennis, the time you sent this reflects what happened to me yesterday afternoon.
My daughter and I caught the ferry home at 4:35 pm (as we live in an extremely rural area) and I actually went in the house at 5pm and collapsed in my coat even on the bed and slept solidly for 4 hours.
So Yes, I know I had a strong reaction.
I feel wonderful again today and very clear and calm. How often does this pendulum check have to be done?
Thank you Dennis for sharing your wonderful spirit, balanced masculine self and your teachings. It's been a rare and wonderful experience.
~ K.
Dear Dennis...
I had to write again after examining the document attached! Holy Cats! This is wonderful and amazing work! You have so many wonderful things in your bag of tricks.. J. began opening his eyes to his name yesterday which is a big thing. His white blood cell count is decreasing and his kidneys are making a small improvement. There was some bile production as well... I know, in my heart of hearts, that his improvement will be enhanced greatly with this work. I did A.’s AP on Sunday and she cannot get over how much better she feels... she continues to be amazed with it. For her it is a 'transformation'. What good work!
Again, my absolute gratitude to you for doing this great work!
Hi Dennis...
Our whole family says thank you! I called J’s son, our D.... and they are most happy! You do very good work! I'll keep you posted! Have a great time in Seattle...
Blessing and Thanks
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for the treatment today. Got a bit of a headache and sore neck. Not sure if it's related but besides that my mind feels a lot clearer which is nice. Just wanted to say go ahead with the dowsing as soon as you can and just let me know where to send the check.
Thanks Again,
Hi Dennis,
I am interested in a treatment. Our family has had 3 close relatives die this yr, 2 just recently. I have experienced several infections in this yr alone: colds, bronchitis, tooth abscess, now sinus infection. My energy is low and I have some memory and anxiety issues. just asking for your help gives me the "chest tightness"!!
My daughter had her treatment last night. she feels much clearer and more energetic. thank you.
Hi Dennis:
Thanks so much for working on D., she is feeling much better. Her anxiety attacks are not as severe.
I will sent you off a cheque in the mail
PS - Would you have time to do a dowsing or quantum on my boss today. He is in pain with his back?
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Webinar Testimonials
My name is Julie and I live in Northern Michigan. I attended the first Dowsing Webinar presented by Dennis Barnett in January of 2012. This was an amazing experience to say the least!! I was familiar with using a pendulum and L rods but gave up on it because I seemed to run into so may inconsistencies. Well now I am defiantly on the right track and ready to soar. This webinar process was wonderful - very cost effective, simple and user friendly. It was such a relief to be able to be apart of this and learn so much so effectively this way. I live in a really remote area and I do miss out on a lot of amazing learning possibilities because of this, so this was perfect for me!! I highly recommend this and look forward to doing this again and learning some more modalities!! Thank you Dennis for making this happen and thinking to include me!!Blessings
Julie ;-)
My testimonial:
"I was one of lucky ones to participate in Dennis' first Webinar learning Dowsong. Initially I was sceptic and didn't trust that webinar is going to work.... anyway I was ready to experiment. After first few minutes it was evident that Dennis' passion can not be stopped by technology or technical hiccups. Teaching was amazing and most of the time I wasn't aware that Dennis can not see us. Communication through texting was working very well and Dennis was managing questions, answers and teaching perfectly. I do not think we missed anything with not being in the same room with Dennis. I would recommend everybody to try this webinar. Thank you Dennis for being great healer, teacher and loving soul. LG - Toronto, ON
I am very pleased to write this testimonial about the webinar Dennis offered.
It was well executed, information came through nice and clear.
I especially like the fact that I was able to stay at home and do this, although I was a little worried about being confined to my little den for two days, it really was okay.
There were enough breaks throughout the two days, really not a lot different than sitting in a classroom.
Regarding the workshop material, it was great.
I had taken a Dowsing workshop prior to this one, it too was good but I have to say that I preferred this one.
It was easy to follow and not time consuming.
The only issue that I have with taking a workshop in this fashion is the loss of classroom discussion.
We were able to text chat, which was okay but I did miss the verbal communication.
I would also like to add that while I did not notice any changes to my emotional or physical self during the workshop,
I did notice that the following day my emotional state was much improved.
I had been in somewhat of a depressed state for the past couple of weeks, this really brought me around.
I found myself singing on my drive to town, without the radio and I don’t sing.
I am always amazed that these things come along just exactly when you need them, the Universe really does come through for us.
I would like to thank Dennis once again for offering this webinar and know that he will be able to offer more of these in the future with much success.
I would not hesitate to participate in another one of these webinars.
Love & Light
Kelly Robinson
"Words can't express my gratitude for this past week-end webinar on dowsing. It really has given me power and control over my life to a degree that I never had before. To know that you are affected by things in your environment or in your field is one thing, to be able to shift it yourself quickly is quite another! I thought the webinar format was awesome, it worked great for me, and it actually has some advantages to live workshops. When we have questions we just write it in and the presenter can continue his lecture or explanation and then choose to answer the questions at an appropriate time, no interruption. Also when we are in class and the presenter is speaking and we want to ask a question, we don't want to interrupt; so we wait, and either we forget what it was or the class passes on to something else and we don't bother asking at this point. We could see what Dennis was doing with the chart clearly from our screen. Both live classes and webinars formats are awesome, both have their places, for me this webinar on dowsing was a lot more than I expected, so much important information and experiences shared, no question I would do it again. Dennis has a wealth of experiences and stories which really add to any classes he is teaching, he is a generous and genuine teacher, person, being of light. It was an honor and a blessings to have been part of a class with Dennis again. Looking forward to more...!
Charlottetown, PEI"
"After some initial hesitation about taking a Dowsing workshop through a Webinar delivery, I can certainly say that I was pleasantly surprised with how well the 2 day workshop unfolded.
With 2 webams (one for a view of Dennis as the presenter and one for the dowsing chart), a slide display area for printed materials, a class list, and a text chat area, I found that I could certainly see the materials being presented and watch the demonstrations of dowsing easily. In fact, could see the demos more clearly than if I had been at a large table trying to see up to the end....
The text chat function worked well for asking questions to the presenter.
In addition, for those with their own computer webcams, we visually checked in to say hi - but did not leave this broadcast option open since some students did not have the technology for it.
Dennis provided very clear instructions on how to access the webinar and what programs would be needed for the webinar software to function optimally.
All handouts were emailed prior to the workshop - so we could print out and scan the material ahead of time.
This was certainly a more cost effective workshop since we could eliminate all travel expenses to attend - and students were from coast to coast in Canada in the eastern USA.
The only downside was not meeting all of the other wonderful students in attendance!
Dennis did a terrific job adapting his live presentations to this webinar format.
I dowsed that I received 100% value from the workshop....and now to practice everyday!"
Pat Mc, BC
Hi Dennis,
Thank you again for a wonderful Dowsing Workshop. Full of information and practical application to everyday life. This was a Webinar Workshop and I felt connection with the class. We have had answers to more questions that in regular one will be possible. I also appreciate those treasure moments of storytelling.
I am using pendulum for a few years, but over the weekend I learned many valuable new skills which I will use for myself and others. I believe that my healing practise will move to another level.
Ewa Kitchener, On
Your first webinar was awesome, despite some techno glitches, that were invitable. The energy was still strongly felt and appreciated by all, even though we couldn't see each other. I would recommend Dennis's services to all who are interested in self-empowerment, bettering their lives. Dennis radiates a heartfelt integrity that needs to be more commonplace, especially nowadays. I especially appreciated his open-mindedness with regard to the process of dowsing, and empowering everyone to stretch beyond your beliefs/limits, think outside the box. Challenge yourself and take the risk....but always make sure you ask for protection, make the right intention clear and simple, and be thankful for all. Everything happens for a reason, knowledge is power!
All the Best,
Mary Ellen
Hi Dennis;
Thank you so much for a fabulous webinar this weekend! I loved the format - it allowed me to learn in my own space and not have to travel at a time of year when the weather is a bit of a wild card. I thought it worked very well - no downside for me.
Heartfelt thanks,
This was my second webinar. I appreciated the format on the screen. It was very clean and clear. It was easy to connect to as well. I liked being able to see who lives near me so that I may get in touch with them in the future. I preferred that we were not all broadcasting at the same time.
You did a wonderful job of answering the questions as they were posted. No one would guess that you hadn’t done this before.
You are an amazing person with so much knowledge and experience. The positive affirming of what we are doing or attempting to do has been very inspiring to me and has reinforced my journey. Sometimes it is hard to be the one that is different.
I also enjoyed the flute more than I can say!
Thank you again.
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Workshop Testimonials
Dennis I can say this has been the best workshop I have attended. I was pushed and tested and persevered and it was all worth it! I don't know if you have a place to post such things on your website but you have my permission to if there is.
Thank you both for holding this space!
~My Journey after May 1-2, 2010~Assemblage Point Workshop/Class
I knew upon embarking on this journey/workshop that I would be stepping into a new branch on my existing journey. I had come to a Y in the road and knew that I had a decision to make. I knew this was a new opening for me and a new road. I embraced the change and accepted what was to follow….
....The very first thing I can say I noticed after attending this class and having my Assemblage Point corrected was calmness.
This inner calmness was like a settling of the wind after a rain storm. The peaceful scent of the rain, the gentle calm of Mother Earth sighing, and the calm… I find it hard to harness the words to describe this experience.
It was a very difficult workshop for me as there was a lot of touching in places I would hesitate to even let someone close to me touch. Know that this is not due to other people, only to me. I have been working on touch issues for a long time, so it is part of my journey to touch on this area in my life.
It would be a coincidence and we know there are no coincidences, only what is and what is meant to be… that I would come across the next part of a calendar that I am reflecting upon in my website weekly to state: “When was the last time You Explored New Ground? The most Exquisite Journeys Occur when we step towards the Unfamiliar, following the Scent of Curiosity, veiled only in the Garment of Grace.”
No coincidences….
On the way driving back home from Wainwright a male mallard duck flew towards the car, just missing it on the passenger side of the windshield. I feel it was attracted to the energy both my passenger and I were holding. A bit further down the road two deer’s, just off to the left on the side of the highway were in my blind spot, but not my passengers. They jumped in front of my car while I braked sharply and just got out of the way in time. During these two incidences I was totally calm. Not once did it even jump start my heart as it would have prior to having my assemblage point corrected.
May 3, 4, 2010:
While at work little things that would normally irritate me or bother me just kind of bounced off me. They did not get the emotional response that they have gotten in the past. It’s like I could step outside of the irritation, look at it for what it is, accept it for what it is meant to be, and look past it. How wonderful!!!
As the days go on I will keep a diary of my thoughts and processing after this workshop.
I do not hesitate in sharing this information with anyone who would want to know… In light and love we are all connected and are all one!
Hello Dennis,
Wanted to say hello and thank you for the fascinating course regarding assemblage point. I enjoyed the course as well as meeting the rest of the participants. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me too. Wanted to confirm I am planning to attend the above noted course. If there are any changes please let me know. I am heading out of town for a few days so wanted to connect.
Hope your adventures are going well.
Hi Dennis
The shift was easy, in comparison to the 22 k hike we did yesterday, and it was 22 in Kananaskis,
we really picked a beautiful day to be out there. It was so beautiful – T –shirt hiking.
I have been feeling all the shifting going on, it was like I saw every molecule in my body move over. So now am ready to have the assemblage point done.
Whenever you have time, no rush.
Thank You for your work with The Assemblage Point. Your training showed your great patience. Don Juan? Many great medicine men came into the room when you played your flute.
Thank You for your Love and Service,
Hello Dennis,
First let me say thank you and tell how much I enjoyed your Assemblage Point workshop in Kelowna. It was a wonderful experience for me. I felt very privileged and humbled to be there and receive this wonderful knowledge. I consider this a great gift. It will be such an honour to adjust the assemblage points of all my relations. I feel you have blessed me with this ability. Thank you.
My best wishes to you, Dennis. I hope there will be another opportunity to work with you. I enjoyed presence and humour.
Kindest regards
Hi Dennis,
Thanks again for the great workshop. I've been dowsing almost everyday and everything since including my horses. My dogs are still having a difference of opinion so I will definitely try dowsing their compatibility.
I have a couple questions. I can't remember what you said when you got rid of my headache. Can you refresh my memory? I also have a couple horses with sore legs. How can I dowse to reduce/eliminate their pain?
Thank you so much again,
Good to hear. B. stopped in yesterday, He asked me to e-mail you and tell you that they were very impressed with the workshop, He wants you to come back out again and says you need to do a workshop on finding the portals and how to enter them. He is coming with C. and I as soon as we are able to get to the site because he also got a message that there was one there and that it is the new way of travel. So we will talk to you soon maybe we will need you to help us find the exact location. We all miss you even though you have not been gone long. Look forward to your next visit and know that you will do wonderful things with this new workshop, you would be amazed how many people have been stopping at the store who have the same ideas since the workshop here (that knew nothing about it) so you know it affects people in the surrounding area Go out there and Enlighten them you have a wonderful gift to share and a short time to get it done.
Thank you both for holding this space!
~My Journey after May 1-2, 2010~Assemblage Point Workshop/Class
I knew upon embarking on this journey/workshop that I would be stepping into a new branch on my existing journey. I had come to a Y in the road and knew that I had a decision to make. I knew this was a new opening for me and a new road. I embraced the change and accepted what was to follow….
....The very first thing I can say I noticed after attending this class and having my Assemblage Point corrected was calmness.
This inner calmness was like a settling of the wind after a rain storm. The peaceful scent of the rain, the gentle calm of Mother Earth sighing, and the calm… I find it hard to harness the words to describe this experience.
It was a very difficult workshop for me as there was a lot of touching in places I would hesitate to even let someone close to me touch. Know that this is not due to other people, only to me. I have been working on touch issues for a long time, so it is part of my journey to touch on this area in my life.
It would be a coincidence and we know there are no coincidences, only what is and what is meant to be… that I would come across the next part of a calendar that I am reflecting upon in my website weekly to state: “When was the last time You Explored New Ground? The most Exquisite Journeys Occur when we step towards the Unfamiliar, following the Scent of Curiosity, veiled only in the Garment of Grace.”
No coincidences….
On the way driving back home from Wainwright a male mallard duck flew towards the car, just missing it on the passenger side of the windshield. I feel it was attracted to the energy both my passenger and I were holding. A bit further down the road two deer’s, just off to the left on the side of the highway were in my blind spot, but not my passengers. They jumped in front of my car while I braked sharply and just got out of the way in time. During these two incidences I was totally calm. Not once did it even jump start my heart as it would have prior to having my assemblage point corrected.
May 3, 4, 2010:
While at work little things that would normally irritate me or bother me just kind of bounced off me. They did not get the emotional response that they have gotten in the past. It’s like I could step outside of the irritation, look at it for what it is, accept it for what it is meant to be, and look past it. How wonderful!!!
As the days go on I will keep a diary of my thoughts and processing after this workshop.
I do not hesitate in sharing this information with anyone who would want to know… In light and love we are all connected and are all one!
Hello Dennis,
Wanted to say hello and thank you for the fascinating course regarding assemblage point. I enjoyed the course as well as meeting the rest of the participants. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me too. Wanted to confirm I am planning to attend the above noted course. If there are any changes please let me know. I am heading out of town for a few days so wanted to connect.
Hope your adventures are going well.
Hi Dennis
The shift was easy, in comparison to the 22 k hike we did yesterday, and it was 22 in Kananaskis,
we really picked a beautiful day to be out there. It was so beautiful – T –shirt hiking.
I have been feeling all the shifting going on, it was like I saw every molecule in my body move over. So now am ready to have the assemblage point done.
Whenever you have time, no rush.
Thank You for your work with The Assemblage Point. Your training showed your great patience. Don Juan? Many great medicine men came into the room when you played your flute.
Thank You for your Love and Service,
Hello Dennis,
First let me say thank you and tell how much I enjoyed your Assemblage Point workshop in Kelowna. It was a wonderful experience for me. I felt very privileged and humbled to be there and receive this wonderful knowledge. I consider this a great gift. It will be such an honour to adjust the assemblage points of all my relations. I feel you have blessed me with this ability. Thank you.
My best wishes to you, Dennis. I hope there will be another opportunity to work with you. I enjoyed presence and humour.
Kindest regards
Hi Dennis,
Thanks again for the great workshop. I've been dowsing almost everyday and everything since including my horses. My dogs are still having a difference of opinion so I will definitely try dowsing their compatibility.
I have a couple questions. I can't remember what you said when you got rid of my headache. Can you refresh my memory? I also have a couple horses with sore legs. How can I dowse to reduce/eliminate their pain?
Thank you so much again,
Good to hear. B. stopped in yesterday, He asked me to e-mail you and tell you that they were very impressed with the workshop, He wants you to come back out again and says you need to do a workshop on finding the portals and how to enter them. He is coming with C. and I as soon as we are able to get to the site because he also got a message that there was one there and that it is the new way of travel. So we will talk to you soon maybe we will need you to help us find the exact location. We all miss you even though you have not been gone long. Look forward to your next visit and know that you will do wonderful things with this new workshop, you would be amazed how many people have been stopping at the store who have the same ideas since the workshop here (that knew nothing about it) so you know it affects people in the surrounding area Go out there and Enlighten them you have a wonderful gift to share and a short time to get it done.
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Vacation Wellness Testimonials
“On a recent holiday to the beautiful Banff/Canmore area I woke the first morning in Canmore to discover I felt horrible. Being the human that I am, I pushed through it and headed into town to check out the sites. Within a short period of time, I realized my efforts to maintain we're not going to be successful. I knew I needed someone to help me, but being from Missoula, MT I had no idea who to contact in Canmore. Lucky for me, the town has markers of the different businesses and services located in various spots around town. I searched through and found a health and wellness center that was located about a block from where I was standing! When I approached the building, I found a flier for Dennis on the door explaining his different services and that he accepted walk-ins! This was exactly what I needed. When I met Dennis, he took the opportunity to visit with me for a while to figure out what I wanted/needed. I explained that I had just arrived for holiday and would be in the area for 12 days. He shared an idea he had come up with for travelers like myself to go on a "wellness" holiday: to have a few treatments with him and spend the balance of our time enjoying the beauty of the surrounding area. It is actually an ideal time for treatments, because we're relaxed and don't have the stress of our daily lives to conflict with the healing process. Here I was sitting in his office ready for wellness treatments, and I didn't even get the newsletter! I am very happy to report, that during my vacation I received healing treatments from Dennis on four different occasions and I feel better than I have in years! Dennis has a plethora of modalities to chose from depending on your specific needs or desires. He is calm, caring, and professional. I highly recommend a visit to Dennis, especially while on holiday!”
B.B. Missoula, MT
In a beautiful place like the Bow Valley, Dennis brings something unique and so necessary! I was living in Canmore for a while and was stuck with emotional issues. Despite my efforts to release some of them, including many treatments by other practitioners, I was not able to carry on in my daily life. Until I met this great, full of knowledge, down to earth and so genuine human being call Dennis.
I give thanks to his work and dedication during our healing work together. He gave me the opportunity to release part of my past which was holding me back .I now have a clear vision of the path I want to take and have plenty of resourceful tools to use if needed.
For me, he was the bridge between the material and the spiritual world.
I highly recommend Dennis to anyone willing or ready to cross his bridge.
Eric B. Quebec city
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